Boeing is developing a F414 derivative with an all new core that will pack 20% more thrust for international Super Hornet F/A-18E/F clients, reports Flight Global. The improvements would increase the F414 thrust rating from 22,000lbs to 26,600lbs and dramatically improve the fighter’s take-off performance, said Bob Gower, Boeing vice president for F/A-18E/F. The US Navy sought the new engine core to reduce susceptibility to FOD and improve SFC. "The 'enhanced durability engine' becomes the 'enhanced performance engine' when you put the fan on it," Gower said. The F414 EPE would not entail any modification to the Super Hornet airframe. "We are not modifying the mould line of the aircraft," Gower said. "The current inlet gives us enough [air] in-take." The USN plans to steadily improve the F/A-18E/Fs sensors, electronic warfare system, connectivity and weapons load-out over the next decade, Gower added. It is not clear if Boeing’s decision will impact the company’s bid for India’s MMRCA project. Rolling out the new engine before 2012, the year by which the MMRCA is planned to be inducted in the IAF, is certainly within the capabilities of General Electrics. It is unlikely the promise of a higher thrust engine will not weigh on the IAF evaluation team. Boeing has been aggressively launching new projects to secure its leadership position as an aerospace major. In March it unveiled a stealthy configuration of its venerable F-15 Eagle fighter bomber dubbed 'Silent Eagle' designed to meet the future needs of international customers. Earlier this month it announced private funding for the Phantom RayUCAS technology demonstrator, based on the X-45C, to develop advanced air system technologies. News Copyright © Sawf News. May not be reproduced without explicit written permission | |
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