Sunday, September 5, 2010

DNS Resource Record (RR) Types & DNS Parameters (IANA

Domain Name System (DNS) Parameters

(last updated 2010-07-23)

Registries included below:
- Resource Record (RR) TYPEs 
- DNS OpCodes
- AFSDB RR Subtype
- DHCID RR Identifier Type Codes
- DNS Label types 
- DNS EDNS0 Options 
- DNS Header Flags 
- EDNS Header Flags (16 bits)
- EDNS Version Numbers (8 bits)

Registry Name: DNS CLASSes
Reference: [RFC 5395]
Decimal      Hexadecimal    Registration Procedures        Notes
-----------  -------------  -----------------------------  ----------------------   
0            0x0000         Standards Action
1-127        0x0000-0x007F  IETF Review                    data CLASSes only
128-253      0x0080-0x00FD  IETF Review                    QCLASSes and meta-CLASSes only
256-32767    0x0100-0x7FFF  IETF Review                   
32768-57343  0x8000-0xDFFF  Specification Required         data CLASSes only
57344-65279  0xE000-0xFEFF  Specification Required         QCLASSes and meta-CLASSes only
65280-65534  0xFF00-0xFFFE  Reserved for Private Use
65535        0xFFFF         Standards Action

Decimal      Hexadecimal    Name                            Reference
-----------  -----------    ------------------------------  ---------
0            0x0000         Reserved                        [RFC 5395]
1            0x0001         Internet (IN)                   [RFC 1035]
2            0x0002         Unassigned                      
3            0x0003         Chaos (CH)                      [Moon1981]
4            0x0004         Hesiod (HS)                     [Dyer1987]
5-253        0x0005-0x00FD  Unassigned                    
254          0x00FD         QCLASS NONE                     [RFC 2136]
255          0x00FF         QCLASS * (ANY)                  [RFC 1035]
256-65279    0x0100-0xFEFF  Unassigned                      
65280-65534  0xFF00-0xFFFE  Reserved for Private Use        [RFC 5395]
65535        0xFFFF         Reserved                        [RFC 5395] 

Registry Name: Resource Record (RR) TYPEs 
Reference: [RFC 5395][RFC 1035]
Decimal      Hexadecimal    Registration Procedures                                         Notes
-----------  -------------  --------------------------------------------------------------  --------------
0            0x0000         RRTYPE zero is used as a special indicator for the SIG RR
                            [RFC 2931], [RFC 4034] and in other circumstances and must never
                            be allocated for ordinary use.
1-127        0x0000-0x007F  DNS RRTYPE Allocation Policy                                    data TYPEs
128-255      0x0080-0x00FF  DNS RRTYPE Allocation Policy                                    Q TYPEs, Meta TYPEs
256-61439    0x0100-0xEFFF  DNS RRTYPE Allocation Policy                                    data RRTYPEs
61440-65279  0xF000-0xFEFF  IETF Review
65280-65534  0xFF00-0xFFFE  Reserved for Private Use
65535        0xFFFF         Reserved (Standards Action)

TYPE         Value and meaning                              Reference
-----------  ---------------------------------------------  ---------
A            1 a host address                               [RFC 1035]
NS           2 an authoritative name server                 [RFC 1035]
MD           3 a mail destination (Obsolete - use MX)       [RFC 1035]
MF           4 a mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX)         [RFC 1035]
CNAME        5 the canonical name for an alias              [RFC 1035]
SOA          6 marks the start of a zone of authority       [RFC 1035]
MB           7 a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)         [RFC 1035]
MG           8 a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL)           [RFC 1035]
MR           9 a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)     [RFC 1035]
NULL         10 a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL)                    [RFC 1035]
WKS          11 a well known service description            [RFC 1035]
PTR          12 a domain name pointer                       [RFC 1035]
HINFO        13 host information                            [RFC 1035]
MINFO        14 mailbox or mail list information            [RFC 1035]
MX           15 mail exchange                               [RFC 1035]
TXT          16 text strings                                [RFC 1035]
RP           17 for Responsible Person                      [RFC 1183]
AFSDB        18 for AFS Data Base location                  [RFC 1183][RFC 5864]
X25          19 for X.25 PSDN address                       [RFC 1183]
ISDN         20 for ISDN address                            [RFC 1183]
RT           21 for Route Through                           [RFC 1183]
NSAP         22 for NSAP address, NSAP style A record       [RFC 1706]
NSAP-PTR     23 for domain name pointer, NSAP style         [RFC 1348] 
SIG          24 for security signature                      [RFC 4034][RFC 3755][RFC 2535]
KEY          25 for security key                            [RFC 4034][RFC 3755][RFC 2535]
PX           26 X.400 mail mapping information              [RFC 2163]
GPOS         27 Geographical Position                       [RFC 1712]
AAAA         28 IP6 Address                                 [RFC 3596]
LOC          29 Location Information                        [RFC 1876]
NXT          30 Next Domain - OBSOLETE                      [RFC 3755][RFC 2535]
EID          31 Endpoint Identifier                         [Patton]
NIMLOC       32 Nimrod Locator                              [Patton]
SRV          33 Server Selection                            [RFC 2782]
ATMA         34 ATM Address                                 [ATMDOC]
NAPTR        35 Naming Authority Pointer                    [RFC 2915][RFC 2168][RFC 3403]
KX           36 Key Exchanger                               [RFC 2230]
CERT         37 CERT                                        [RFC 4398]
A6           38 A6 (Experimental)                           [RFC 3226][RFC 2874]
DNAME        39 DNAME                                       [RFC 2672]
SINK         40 SINK                                        [Eastlake]
OPT          41 OPT                                         [RFC 2671]
APL          42 APL                                         [RFC 3123]
DS           43 Delegation Signer                           [RFC 4034][RFC 3658]
SSHFP        44 SSH Key Fingerprint                         [RFC 4255]
IPSECKEY     45 IPSECKEY                                    [RFC 4025]
RRSIG        46 RRSIG                                       [RFC 4034][RFC 3755]
NSEC         47 NSEC                                        [RFC 4034][RFC 3755]
DNSKEY       48 DNSKEY                                      [RFC 4034][RFC 3755]
DHCID        49 DHCID                                       [RFC 4701]
NSEC3        50 NSEC3                                       [RFC 5155]
NSEC3PARAM   51 NSEC3PARAM                                  [RFC 5155]
Unassigned   52-54
HIP          55 Host Identity Protocol                      [RFC 5205]
NINFO        56 NINFO                                       [Reid]
RKEY         57 RKEY                                        [Reid]
TALINK       58 Trust Anchor LINK                           [Wijngaards]
Unassigned   59-98
SPF          99                                             [RFC 4408]
UINFO        100                                            [IANA-Reserved]
UID          101                                            [IANA-Reserved]
GID          102                                            [IANA-Reserved]
UNSPEC       103                                            [IANA-Reserved]
Unassigned   104-248
TKEY         249 Transaction Key                            [RFC 2930]
TSIG         250 Transaction Signature                      [RFC 2845]
IXFR         251 incremental transfer                       [RFC 1995]
AXFR         252 transfer of an entire zone                 [RFC 1035][RFC 5936]
MAILB        253 mailbox-related RRs (MB, MG or MR)         [RFC 1035]
MAILA        254 mail agent RRs (Obsolete - see MX)         [RFC 1035]
*            255 A request for all records                  [RFC 1035]
Unassigned   256-32767
TA           32768   DNSSEC Trust Authorities               [Weiler]           2005-12-13
DLV          32769   DNSSEC Lookaside Validation            [RFC 4431]
Unassigned   32770-65279  
Private use  65280-65534
Reserved     65535 

Note: In [RFC 1002], two types are defined.  It is not clear that these
are in use, though if so their assignment does conflict with those above.
 NB 32 NetBIOS general Name Service

Registry Name: DNS OpCodes
Reference: [RFC 5395][RFC 1035]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action as modified by [RFC 4020]

OpCode  Name                               Reference
------  ---------------------------------  ---------
0       Query                              [RFC 1035]
1       IQuery  (Inverse Query, Obsolete)  [RFC 3425]
2       Status                             [RFC 1035]
3       Unassigned
4       Notify                             [RFC 1996]
5       Update                             [RFC 2136]
6-15    Unassigned

Registry Name: DNS RCODEs
Reference: [RFC 5395][RFC 1035]
Registration Procedures: IETF Review

Decimal      Name        Description                          Reference
-----------  ----------  -----------------------------------  ---------
0            NoError     No Error                             [RFC 1035]
1            FormErr     Format Error                         [RFC 1035]
2            ServFail    Server Failure                       [RFC 1035]
3            NXDomain    Non-Existent Domain                  [RFC 1035]
4            NotImp      Not Implemented                      [RFC 1035]
5            Refused     Query Refused                        [RFC 1035]
6            YXDomain    Name Exists when it should not       [RFC 2136]
7            YXRRSet     RR Set Exists when it should not     [RFC 2136]
8            NXRRSet     RR Set that should exist does not    [RFC 2136]
9            NotAuth     Server Not Authoritative for zone    [RFC 2136]
10           NotZone     Name not contained in zone           [RFC 2136]
11-15        Unassigned  
16           BADVERS     Bad OPT Version                      [RFC 2671]
16           BADSIG      TSIG Signature Failure               [RFC 2845]
17           BADKEY      Key not recognized                   [RFC 2845]
18           BADTIME     Signature out of time window         [RFC 2845]
19           BADMODE     Bad TKEY Mode                        [RFC 2930]
20           BADNAME     Duplicate key name                   [RFC 2930]
21           BADALG      Algorithm not supported              [RFC 2930]
22           BADTRUNC    Bad Truncation                       [RFC 4635]
23-3840      Unassigned
3841-4095    Reserved for Private Use                         [RFC 5395]
4096-65534   Unassigned
65535        Reserved, can be allocated by Standards Action   [RFC 5395]     

Registry Name: AFSDB RR Subtype
Reference: [RFC 5395][RFC 1035]
Decimal      Hexadecimal    Registration Procedures               
-----------  -------------  --------------------------------------
0            0x0000         Standards Action
1-65279      0x0001-0xFEFF  IETF Review
65280-65534  0xFF00-0xFFFE  Private Use
65535        0xFFFF         Standards Action

Decimal      Hexadecimal    Description                                 Reference
-----------  -------------  ------------------------------------------  ---------
0            0x0000         Reserved                                    [RFC 5395]
1            0x0001         Andrews File Service v3.0 Location Service  [RFC 1183]
2            0x0002         DCE/NCA root cell directory node            [RFC 1183]
3-65279      0x0003-0xFEFF  Unassigned
65280-65534  0xFF00-0xFFFE  Reserved for Private Use                    [RFC 5395]
65535        0xFFFF         Reserved                                    [RFC 5395]

Registry Name: DHCID RR Identifier Type Codes
Reference: [RFC 4701]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action

Note: Registration rules to be as follows:
New DHCID RR type codes are tentatively assigned after the specification for the associated type code, 
published as an Internet Draft, has received expert review by a designated expert.
The final assignment of DHCID RR type codes is through Standards Action, as defined in [RFC 2434].

The expert will be Olafur Gudmundsson

Identifier Type Code  Identifier                                        Reference  
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------  ---------
0x0000                The 1-octet 'htype' followed by 'hlen' octets     [RFC 4701] 
                      of 'chaddr' from a DHCPv4 client's DHCPREQUEST.
0x0001                The data octets (i.e., the Type and               [RFC 4701] 
                      Client-Identifier fields) from a DHCPv4        
                      client's Client Identifier option.        
0x0002                The client's DUID (i.e., the data octets of a     [RFC 4701]
                      DHCPv6 client's Client Identifier option  
                      or the DUID field from a DHCPv4 client's       
                      Client Identifier option).                 
0x0003-0xFFFE         Unassigned                                        [RFC 4701] 
0xFFFF                Reserved                                          [RFC 4701] 

Registry Name: DNS Label types 
Reference: [RFC 2671]
Registration Procedures: IESG Approval

IETF standards action required to allocate new types
The top 2 bits of the first byte of an DNS label indicates the type of label.

Value             Type                                                       Status                        Reference
----------------  ---------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------
0 0               Normal label lower 6 bits is the length of the label       Standard                      [RFC 1035]
1 1               Compressed label the lower 6 bits and the 8 bits           Standard                      [RFC 1035]
                  from next octet form a pointer to the compression target.
0 1               Extended label type the lower 6 bits of this type          Proposed                      [RFC 2671]     
                  (section 3) indicate the type of label in use
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1   Binary Label                                               Experimental not recommended  [RFC 3364][RFC 3363][RFC 2673]
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   Reserved for future expansion.                             Proposed                      [RFC 2671]
1 0               Unallocated

Registry Name: DNS EDNS0 Options 
Reference: [RFC 2671]
Registration Procedures: RFC Required

Value     Name       Status        Reference
--------  ----------  -----------  -----------
0         Reserved                 [RFC 2671]
1         LLQ         On-hold      []
2         UL          On-hold      []
3         NSID        Standard     [RFC 5001]
4         Reserved                 [draft-cheshire-edns0-owner-option]
5-65535   Unassigned               [RFC 2671]

Registry Name: DNS Header Flags
Reference: [RFC 5395][RFC 1035]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action

In DNS query header there is a flag field in the
second 16 bit word in query from bit 5 through 
bit 11 ([RFC 1035] section 4.1.1)

Bit       Flag  Description            Reference
--------  ----  ---------------------  ---------
bit 5     AA    Authoritative Answer   [RFC 1035]
bit 6     TC    Truncated Response     [RFC 1035]
bit 7     RD    Recursion Desired      [RFC 1035]
bit 8     RA    Recursion Allowed      [RFC 1035]
bit 9           Reserved
bit 10    AD    Authentic Data         [RFC 4035]
bit 11    CD    Checking Disabled      [RFC 4035]

Registry Name: EDNS Header Flags (16 bits) 
Reference: [RFC 2671]
Registration Procedures: RFC Required 

Bit        Flag  Description            Reference
---------  ----  ---------------------  ------------------
Bit 0      DO    DNSSEC answer OK       [RFC 4035][RFC 3225]
Bit 1-15         Reserved

Registry Name: EDNS version Number (8 bits)
Reference: [RFC 2671]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action

Range     Description              Reference
--------  -----------------------  ---------
0         EDNS version 0           [RFC 2671]
1-255     Unassigned

[ATMDOC]   ATM Forum Technical Committee, "ATM Name System, V2.0",
           Doc ID: AF-DANS-0152.000, July 2000. Available from
           and held in escrow by IANA.

[Dyer1987] Dyer, S., and F. Hsu, "Hesiod", Project Athena Technical
           Plan - Name Service, April 1987.

[Moon1981] D. Moon, "Chaosnet", A.I. Memo 628, Massachusetts Institute of 
           Technology Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, June 1981.

[RFC 1034]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
           Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, USC/Information Sciences
           Institute, November 1987.

[RFC 1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
           Specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, USC/Information Sciences
           Institute, November 1987.

[RFC 1183]  Everhart, C., Mamakos, L., Ullmann, R., and P. Mockapetris,
           Editors, "New DNS RR Definitions", RFC 1183, Transarc,
           University of Maryland, Prime Computer, USC/Information
           Sciences Institute, October 1990.

[RFC 1706]  Manning, B., and R. Colella, "DNS NSAP Resource Records",
           RFC 1706, USC/ISI and NIST, October 1994.

[RFC 1712]  Farrell, C., M. Schulze, B. Pleitner, and D. Baldoni, "DNS
           Encoding of Geographical Location", RFC 1712, Curtin
           University of Technology, October 1994.

[RFC 1876]  C. Davis, P. Vixie, T. Goodwin, and I. Dickinson, "A Means for 
           Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System",
           RFC 1876, January 1996.

[RFC 1995]  Ohta, M., "Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS", RFC 1995,
           Tokyo Institute of Technology, August 1996.

[RFC 1996]  Vixie, P., "A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone
           Changes (DNS NOTIFY)", RFC 1996, ISC, August 1996.

[RFC 2136]  Vixie, P., S. Thomson, Y. Rekhter, and J. Bound, "Dynamic
           Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE) Dynamic
           Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE), RFC 2136,
           ISC, Bellcore, Cisco, DEC, April 1997.

[RFC 2163]  Allocchio, C., "Using the Internet DNS to Distribute MIXER
           Conformant Global Address Mapping (MCGAM)", RFC 2163,
           GARR-Italy, July 1977.

[RFC 2168]  R. Danie1, M. Mealling., "Resolution of Uniform Resource
           Identifiers using the Domain Name System", RFC 2168, Los
           Alamos National Laboratory, Network Solutions, Inc., 
           June 1997.

[RFC 2230]  Atkinson, R., "Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS",
           RFC 2230, NRL, October 1997.

[RFC 2535]  Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions", RFC
           2535, IBM, March 1999.

[RFC 2671]  Vixie, P., "Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)", RFC 2671,
           August 1999.

[RFC 2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P. and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
           Specifying the Location of Services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
           February 2000.

[RFC 2845]  Vixie, P., Gudmundsson, O., Eastlake, D. and B. Wellington,
           "Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG)",
           May 2000.

[RFC 2874]  Crawford, M., Huitema, C. and S. Thomson, "DNS Extensions to
           Support IPv6 Address Aggregation and Renumbering", RFC 2874,
           July 2000.

[RFC 2915]  Mealling, M. and R. Daniel, "The Naming Authority Pointer
           (NAPTR) DNS Resource Record", RFC 2915, September 2000.

[RFC 2930]  Eastlake, D., "Secret Key Establishment for DNS (TKEY RR)",
           RFC 2930, September 2000.

[RFC 2931]  D. Eastlake, "DNS Request and Transaction Signatures ( SIG(0)s )",
           RFC 2931, September 2000.

[RFC 3123]  P. Koch, "A DNS RR Type for Lists of Address Prefixes (APL RR)",
           RFC 3123, June 2001.

[RFC 3225]  D. Conrad, "Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC", 
           RFC 3225, December 2001.
[RFC 3226]  O. Gudmundsson, "DNSSEC and IPv6 A6 aware server/resolver message
           size requirements", RFC 3226, December 2001.

[RFC 3403]  M. Mealling, "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) Part 
           Three: The Domain Name System (DNS) Database", RFC 3403, October 

[RFC 3425]  D. Lawrence, "Obsoleting IQUERY", RFC 3425, November 2002.

[RFC 3596]  S. Thomson, C. Huitema, V. Ksinant, and M. Souissi, "DNS 
           Extensions to Support IP Version 6", RFC 3596, October 2003.

[RFC 3658]  O. Gudmundsson, "Delegation Signer Resource Record", RFC 3658,
           December 2003.

[RFC 3755]  S. Weiler, "Legacy Resolver Compatibility for Delegation Signer",
           RFC 3755, May 2004.

[RFC 4020]  K. Kompella, A. Zinin, "Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track 
           Code Points", RFC 4020, February 2005.

[RFC 4025]  M. Richardson, "A Method for Storing IPsec Keying Material in DNS",
           RFC 4025, March 2005.

[RFC 4034]  R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, and S. Rose, 
           "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions", RFC 4034,
           March 2005.

[RFC 4035]  R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, and S. Rose, 
           "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions", 
           RFC 4035, March 2005.

[RFC 4255]  J. Schlyter and W. Griffin, "Using DNS to Securely Publish SSH 
           Key Fingerprints", RFC 4255, January 2006.

[RFC 4398]  S. Josefsson, "Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)",
           RFC 4398, March 2006.

[RFC 4408]  M. Wong and W. Schlitt, "Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing 
           Use of Domains in E-MAIL, version 1", RFC 4408, April 2006.

[RFC 4431]  M. Andrews and S. Weiler, "The DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) 
           DNS Resource Record", RFC 4431, February 2006.

[RFC 4635]  D. Eastlake 3rd, "HMAC SHA TSIG Algorithm Identifiers", RFC 4635, 
           August 2006.

[RFC 4701]  M. Stapp, T. Lemon, A. Gustafsson, "A DNS RR for Encoding DHCP 
           Information (DHCID RR)", RFC 4701, October 2006.

[RFC 5001]  R. Austein, "DNS Name Server Identifier Option (NSID)",
           RFC 5001, August 2007.

[RFC 5155]  B. Laurie, G. Sisson, R. Arends, D. Blacka, "DNSSEC Hashed 
           Authenticated Denial of Existence", RFC 5155, March 2008.

[RFC 5205]  P. Nikander, J. Laganier, "Host Identity Protocol (HIP) 
           Domain Name System (DNS) Extensions", RFC 5205, April 2008.

[RFC 5395]  D. Eastlake, "Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations", 
           BCP 42, RFC 5395, November 2008.

[draft-cheshire-edns0-owner-option]  work in progress

[RFC 5864]  R. Allbery, "DNS SRV Resource Records for AFS", RFC 5864, April 2010.

[RFC 5936]  E. Lewis, A. Hoenes, Ed., "DNS Zone Transfer Protocol (AXFR)", 
           RFC 5936, June 2010.

[Daniel] Ron Daniel, <rdaniel&>, June 1997.

[Eastlake] Donald E. Eastlake, III <d3e3e3&>, January 1995,
           November 1997.

[IANA] Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, <iana&>, December 1994.

[Mockapetris] Paul Mockapetris, <pvm&>, November 1994.

[Otha] Masataka Ohta, <mohta&>, March 1995.

[Patton] Michael Patton, <map&>, June 1995.

[Reid] Jim Reid, <jim&>, 21 January 2008.

[Thomson] Susan Thomson, <set&>, August 1995.

[Vixie] Paul Vixie, <paul&>, June 1997.

[Weiler] Sam Weiler, <weiler+iana&>, December 2005.
         Deploying DNSSEC Without a Signed Rott.  Technical Report 1999-19, 
         Information Networking Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April 2004.

[Wijngaards] Wouter Wijngaards, <wouter&>, 2010-02-17.


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