Sunday, September 5, 2010

Information Technology Network Programming and Management Question paper


1. What are sockets?
2. Differentiate between TCP and UDP.
3. Mention the layers of TCP/IP model.
4. Write down the function of RARP.
5. Give the generic socket address structure.
6. What is byte ordering?
7. Mention the address conversion functions.
8. Write the function of ICMP.
9. Mention the types of sockets.
10. What is the use of accept function?
11. How will you create a socket?
12. Mention the types of servers.
13. What is meant by well known port?
14. Write down the use of ephemeral ports.
15. Write any 4 protocols used for internet applications.
16. Write the function of listen.
17. Mention the functions that are useful for byte manipulation.
18. How will you convert an ascii dotted decimal format to 32-bit binary format?
19. Write the use of memset function.
20. Mention the standard internet services.
21. What are port numbers?
22. List out the data types that are included in sys/types.h header file?
23. Mention the address conversion functions.
24. Write some of the protocols involved in network layer.
25. Give the syntax of close function.


1. Explain in detail about the TCP/IP model with neat diagram.
2. Describe the byte ordering in detail.
3. Write the steps involved in connectionless iterative server and client and explain.
4. Explain the TCP connection establishment and termination.
5. Describe the steps in connection oriented concurrent server.
6. Explain the following function:-
a. socket.
b. connect
c. bind
d. listen
7. Explain the functions used for byte ordering transformation.
8. Describe the IPv6 socket address structure.

1. Define signal.
2. How can you send a signal?
3. Draw the Diagram of Simple echo and client and server.
4. What do you mean by Normal termination?
5. Differentiate between wait and waitpid.
6. Draw the Diagram of Blocking I/O model.
7. Define Poll function.
8. What do you mean by Batch Input?
9. Mention the different types of I/O models.
10. Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous I/O.
11. Write the uses of sigpipe signal.
12. Write short notes on zombie state.
13. What are the limitations of using close functions?
14. Write the points to be remembered about signal handling on a Posix-compliant system.
15. What are the conditions that are handled with the socket by using call to select?
16. Write the maximum number of descriptors for select.
17. Define I/O multiplexing.
18. When I/O multiplexing is used?
19. Write short notes on shutdown of server host.
20. What are the steps to be taken by str_cli function?


1. Explain in detail about TCP Echo Server and TCP Echo Client.
2. Explain in detail about select Function?
3. Explain the pselect function with appropriate syntax.
4. Describe the scenario – Crashing of server host.
5. What are the I/O models supported by Unix? Explain any one in detail.
6. Write in detail: a) Crashing and Rebooting of server host. b) Shut down of server host.
7. Describe the shutdown function with a neat sketch.
8. Explain the poll function with various events.
9. Mention the conditions under which a socket is ready for:
a) reading b) writing.


1. Write the function of getsockopt and setsockopt function.
2. Draw the diagram of Default operation of close.
3. Draw the diagram of DNS clients and server and connect function.
4. What do you mean by DNS?
5. Write short notes on gethostbyname Function.
6. Draw the diagram of client, resolvers and Name server.
7. Write short notes on uname Function.
8. Differentiate between connected and unconnected UDP socket.
9. Mention the various TCP socket options.
10. Draw the diagram of simple echo client-server using UDP.
11. What are the consequences for lost datagrams?
12. What is the need for calling connect multiple times for UDP socket?
13. What are the steps to be performed by the kernel for two datagrams on an unconnected UDP socket?
14. How will you change the size of UDP socket receive buffer?
15. What are resource records?
16. How will you determine local host’s IP address?
17. Write the uses of DNS alternatives.
18. Draw the diagram of hostent structure and its information.
19. Give the syntax of gethostname and write its uses.
20. What are the steps involved in UDP echo client process?
21. Mention some applications that are built using UDP.
22. What are the socket functions needed for UDP client and server?
23. Mention the four values the client must specify while sending a UDP datagram?
24. Mention some of the features provided by TCP are missing using UDP.
25. What types of errors are generated by UDP sockets?


1. Explain in detail about Generic Socket Options.
2. Explain in detail about IPV4 socket options.
3. Explain in detail about Domain name system.
4. Explain in detail about gethostbyname function with appropriate structures.
5. Write short notes on
i) gethostbyaddr

6. Describe the recvfrom and sendto functions.
7. List out and describe the steps involved in UDP echo server and client.
8. Explain briefly about RES_USE_INET6 Resolver option.

1. What is meant by dual stack?
2. Mention the restrictions of using IPv6_ADDRFORM for change a socket from one type to another.
3. Define thread.
4. Write the Basic Thread functions.
5. What is the information that is shared by thread?
6. What are the informations that are possessed by single thread?
7. What do you meant by Mutual Exclusion?
8. What do you meant by Condition variables?
9. What is thread-specific data?
10. What is the reason for calling threads programming as concurrent programming?
11. Draw the diagram of ping format.
12. Write the IPv6 difference with raw IPv6 sockets.
13. What do you mean by Traceroute program?
14. Write short notes on IPv6 and IPv4.
15. What are the features that are provided by raw sockets?
16. What are the informations that are included as extension headers in IPv6?
17. Mention the IPv6 sticky options.
18. Write the steps involved in the creation of raw sockets.
19. What is the use of filters in ICMPv6?
20. What are the tools that are using the raw sockets?
21. What are the advantages of using threads?


1. Explain in detail about IPv6 client, ipv4 server with neat diagram.
2. Explain in detail about thread creation, thread termination.
3. Explain in detail about TCP Echo server using threads.
4. Describe the IPv6 routing header with neat diagram.
5. Explain in detail about raw socket input.
6. Explain in detail about PING program with neat diagram.
7. Is it possible IPv6 client, IPv4 server running on a dual-stack host? Clarify.
8. What are source route options? Explain the functions that are useful for handling source route option using IPv4.
9. Describe the various IPv4 options.
10. How will you change a socket from one type to another? Explain.

1. Write short notes on SNMP.
2. Write short notes on Trap-Directed Polling.
3. What do you mean by polling?
4. What is MIB?
5. Mention the objectives of MIBs.
6. Write short notes on Get, Set, and Trap option in SNMP.
7. What are the limitations of MIB objects?
8. What do you mean by access policy in SNMP?
9. Write the Trap PDU format.
10. What are Module-compliance macros?
11. Write short notes on SNMP PDU sequence.
12. What do you mean by RMON?
13. What do you mean by icmp group?
14. Write short notes on DES.
15. What is MAC?
16. Write down the use of padding bits in MD5 algorithm.
17. Mention the use of LAN Analyzer in SNMP.
18. What are the accepted data types that are permitted by the universal class?
19. Define trap-directed polling.
20. Write down the information contained in the egp group.

1. Explain in detail about Protocol specification in SNMP.
3. Explain in detail about SNMP group and its practical issue.
4. Describe briefly the remote network monitoring.
5. Mention the cryptographic algorithms involved in SNMPv3. Explain any one of them in detail.
6. Describe the structure of Management Information.
7. What are MIBs? Explain any one of the standard MIBs.
8. Mention the uses of filter groups in RMON and explain.
9. Describe briefly about the applications of SNMPv3.

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